the welcome
Annyeonghaseyo! This site is dedicated to making graphics and maybe one shots I'm not sure yet. As of right now... it's still currently in the works.

the about
HeeRin. 22 years old. jersey. elf. blackjack. vip. appleholic. donghae stan. darahae supporter. eunhae supporter. super rainbow unicorn hoar. writer. asian. roleplaying. graphics maker. korean dramas. anime.

the navigation
Graphics Examples
AFF Thread

Layout: sbislove
Header: HeeRin
Font: Dafont
Sunday, September 11, 2011 @ 2:55 PM
Alright so you want to request a poster or manip edit. So this is how to do it.

Now back to the form... please fill out this form here and here's a little help with the form...

AFF Username: this should be a little self explanatory
AFF Link: The URL to your AFF profile most likely I'll contact you on your profile if you requested the manip
Type of Request: Pretty self explanatory.
Title to Story: Only give it to me if you're requesting a poster
Link to Story: I'll notify you through on it as a comment on your fic. But also I'll promote you in some type of way.
Who do you want in it: Give me names. If you need an ulzzang but don't know a name for one... just say "girl ulzzang" or "boy ulzzang". You can give as many people as you want but with manips... I prefer only 2 people. You can list as many as you want for posters. I have fit 15 people in a poster before...
Links to pictures: To be honest... only do this if you're requesting a poster. I can only manip certain pics together and I want to make it look as real as possible hence why I only want it for posters.
Anything else?: Any special instructions you want to give me? Plus the password.

Got it?